速報APP / 生活品味 / eCoach Basic

eCoach Basic





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本




eCoach Basic(圖1)-速報App

The eCoach Basic is an userfriendly app that serves to get your home energy-fit.

Value at a glance:

- Get introduced to your Energy-home:

gain amazing insights into your energy consumption and discover your energy profile.

eCoach Basic(圖2)-速報App

- Take over control :

simple hints, visualization of important events in your home energy-system and alarms get you in control of your energy.

- Learn how to turn your home energy-fit:

get insight which of your household appliances consumes what amount of energy and learn where small simple changes have the biggest effect on your energy bill.

eCoach Basic(圖3)-速報App

- Set your goals:

track your progress on the way to your energy fitness.

For all those who don't yet own the eCoach hardware-set, there is a fantastic way to get insight into how the eCoach works - just download the app (no cost!) and log-in with the subsequent credentials:

user: demohouseholdNG

eCoach Basic(圖4)-速報App

password: 12345

eCoach Basic(圖5)-速報App